Category: Outward-Focus

Greatest Gospel Need

I remember the first time I intentionally prepared to share the gospel. I frantically looked up biblical facts, memorized key verses, and copied down diagrams multiple times so I wouldn’t forget. Twelve stresses and eight worries later, I found myself talking to a homeless man during a night of evangelism and outreach. I spent the…
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I Quit

Sharing our faith is difficult—profound, I know. We may be rooted in the gospel, rightly motivated, and determined to overcome barriers that prevent us from sharing. We may pray for conversations that lead to planting a seed or seeing others repent and surrender for the very first time. In short, we may strive to see lost…
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God’s Garden

Our family decided to start a garden last year. Thoughts of fresh fruit and veggies, a fun homeschool project for our kids, and saving a few dollars at the grocery store were too good to pass up. Four garden boxes and a greenhouse later, we were on our way to self-sustainability—or so we thought. It…
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From Darkness to Light

In a world shaped by stories of heroes and villains, we instinctively see a dichotomy between good and bad. Whether it’s a superhero or our favorite team, we naturally separate these two categories. We love to make movies, write books, and share stories about good defeating evil, the superhero beating up the villain, or even…
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Moms Reaching Moms with the Gospel

Motherhood is a journey filled with love, joy, challenges, and growth. As a mom of three girls who also raised two young step-daughters, I’ve traveled this journey and have learned a bit along the way. It’s a role that demands selflessness, patience, and compassion. Amidst the whirlwind of diaper changes, bedtime stories, and endless extracurricular…
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Unlikely Evangelist

The woman said to Him, “I know that the Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). When He comes, He will explain everything to us. Jesus told her, “I, the one speaking to you, am He.” Just then His disciples arrived, and they were amazed that He was talking with a woman. Yet no one…
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Pouring from an Empty Cup

Picture, for a moment, a man stumbling through the desert; sand filling his shoes, blazing sun scorching his back. Each step he takes feels like it might be his last because of his unimaginable thirst. We don’t know how he got to this place. Maybe his plane crashed, leaving him as the lone survivor. Maybe…
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Looking For Red Cars

How many red cars have you seen on the road this week? How about yesterday? It’s an interesting question for a few different reasons. First, we all know that red cars exist. You might even drive one. Second, we know red cars are regularly out on the road, mixed in with cars of all colors,…
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