
I Quit

Sharing our faith is difficult—profound, I know. We may be rooted in the gospel, rightly motivated, and determined to overcome barriers that prevent us from sharing. We may pray for conversations that lead to planting a seed or seeing others repent and surrender for the very first time. In short, we may strive to see lost…
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God’s Garden

Our family decided to start a garden last year. Thoughts of fresh fruit and veggies, a fun homeschool project for our kids, and saving a few dollars at the grocery store were too good to pass up. Four garden boxes and a greenhouse later, we were on our way to self-sustainability—or so we thought. It…
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From Darkness to Light

In a world shaped by stories of heroes and villains, we instinctively see a dichotomy between good and bad. Whether it’s a superhero or our favorite team, we naturally separate these two categories. We love to make movies, write books, and share stories about good defeating evil, the superhero beating up the villain, or even…
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Moms Reaching Moms with the Gospel

Motherhood is a journey filled with love, joy, challenges, and growth. As a mom of three girls who also raised two young step-daughters, I’ve traveled this journey and have learned a bit along the way. It’s a role that demands selflessness, patience, and compassion. Amidst the whirlwind of diaper changes, bedtime stories, and endless extracurricular…
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Rejoicing in Rejection

Let’s end this gap with one final example from Scripture, the example of a man who didn’t let the fear of rejection, or blatant rejection itself, stop him. The Apostle Paul. A man who had the audacity to say, “Follow my example as I follow the example of Christ.” Paul had it all before meeting…
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I Pledge Allegiance

Have you ever suffered for your allegiance? I am a fan of the Miami Dolphins. There. I said it. It’s not easy to be a fan of the Miami Dolphins. In fact, my allegiance to them started as a complete joke when they were the worst team in the history of the National Football League,…
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Living among the Dead

When I was in college, the zombie craze was just taking off. You know, deceased people who mysteriously come back to life through some disease, scientific experiment, or unknown reason. Zombies. Now, before you click away, bear with me. It’ll make sense in a minute. I remember watching a zombie show with my roommate, curious…
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Our Example’s Example

The fear of rejection is best defined as “remaining silent to preserve a relationship or reputation.” In my conversations with Christians over the years, this root has come across in many different dialects. What if they turn me down and things get weird? What if I’m labeled as a “Bible Thumper” or “Jesus Freak” from…
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Rejection 101 – Who Am I?

High school is a truly fascinating and terrifying place. Other than the fact that most high school students in TV shows and movies are played by people in their mid to late 20s, the media portrayal of public high schools isn’t far from the mark. I remember being able to look out across my high…
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What’s So Good?

The beautiful thing about the gospel is that it isn’t extraordinarily complicated to understand. At its very core, the gospel is a simple message. However, just because it is simple to understand doesn’t mean it is easy to apply to our lives. The word “gospel” simply means “good news,” but when we talk about the…
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