
What’s So Good?

The beautiful thing about the gospel is that it isn’t extraordinarily complicated to understand. At its very core, the gospel is a simple message. However, just because it is simple to understand doesn’t mean it is easy to apply to our lives. The word “gospel” simply means “good news,” but when we talk about the…
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Identifying Gospel Gaps

As we continue to unpack this idea of “gospel gaps,” let’s use another helpful example: language. When I see you, I could greet you by saying “hello,” “hey,” “hi,” “yo,” “sup,” “greetings,” or any number of other salutations. And those are just the English words! I can express the same root sentiment in many ways.…
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Tell Me Why

It’s been a little over years since I really started to pay attention to why people struggle to share their faith. I’m confident that any sort of church poll would reveal a problem… that many people do struggle and actively avoid sharing the gospel, but I’m actually more concerned with why. Allow me to explain…
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Best Intentions

Everyone understands the gap between intentions and actions. From the woman working on the forty-fifth floor of a New York City skyscraper to the Amazonian tribesman, hunting for his next meal in the rainforest, this is a universal struggle. I, as I write this, need to mow my lawn. I know I need to mow…
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Join the Club

Evangelism… It’s a word that makes many Christians wince and recoil – a word that conjures images of soap box street corner sermons, cleverly disguised gospel tracts, or uncomfortable, oftentimes canned, conversations about some version of Jesus that isn’t all too offensive or demanding. It’s a word that most every believer agrees with, but few…
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Unlikely Evangelist

The woman said to Him, “I know that the Messiah is coming” (who is called Christ). When He comes, He will explain everything to us. Jesus told her, “I, the one speaking to you, am He.” Just then His disciples arrived, and they were amazed that He was talking with a woman. Yet no one…
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Pouring from an Empty Cup

Picture, for a moment, a man stumbling through the desert; sand filling his shoes, blazing sun scorching his back. Each step he takes feels like it might be his last because of his unimaginable thirst. We don’t know how he got to this place. Maybe his plane crashed, leaving him as the lone survivor. Maybe…
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Looking For Red Cars

How many red cars have you seen on the road this week? How about yesterday? It’s an interesting question for a few different reasons. First, we all know that red cars exist. You might even drive one. Second, we know red cars are regularly out on the road, mixed in with cars of all colors,…
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