Always Going – Preorder

Always Going – Preorder


Coming October 1, 2024

What comes to mind when you hear the word evangelism? Many Christians avoid sharing the gospel, letting feelings of inadequacy, guilt, or failure keep our lips sealed and the good news confined to Sunday mornings. But what if it isn’t as complicated or scary as we’ve made it?

Through eight simple questions, Andrew Steier dismantles the barriers that often hold us back—replacing dread and obligation with joy, confidence, and genuine excitement. Let Always Going guide you as you become a fearless ambassador of Christ, ready to share the good news with anyone, at any time, and anywhere.



Many evangelism books are like fad diets—they serve up a faith-sharing method that you work hard to put into practice but give up on when things get tough. Always Going, however, points readers to a lasting lifestyle change in which the gospel spills out naturally, in both word and deed. This book kicks guilt to the curb, freeing and equipping Christians to joyfully live out their mission to populate God’s eternal kingdom by conversationally sharing the good news in their circles of influence. I guarantee there’s no better way to live!

Greg Stier | Founder and visionary of Dare 2 Share Ministries


Andrew Steier has written a powerful book about the value of living with an outward focus as we are Always Going.  He has framed evangelism in a developmental way that will help every person.  You will enjoy the illustrations and the easy-to-read format while learning simple ways to improve your ability to share Christ with those God brings into your life. I highly commend this book to you!

Dr. Dann Spader | Founder of Sonlife Ministries and Concentric Global; author of 4 Chair Discipling and Live Like Jesus


Always Going crosses the spectrum from removing the pressure of sharing your faith to compelling you to speak up! Andrew Steier engages your heart and mind through relatable stories to help you better understand the gospel and provides practical next steps to share it with others. Change your mindset about evangelism, embrace your calling to make disciples, and read this book!

Dr. Susan Freese | Author of the award-winning book, Your True Story: The 50-Day Essential Guide to Your New Life with Jesus; founder of All In Ministries International


A generation of Christians have lost their passion to share the good news of Jesus Christ with their neighbors and the nations. Always Going provides a clear road map to understanding the eight simple but critical steps for every follower of Christ to gain the confidence to share the greatest truth for all mankind everywhere they go. After 20 years as a youth pastor, this book is one of the best I’ve ever read to help students and adults walk through the process of igniting a daily rhythm of sharing the gospel “as they go.” Thank you, Andrew, for answering the Lord’s call to be a voice in this generation to remind us of the urgent mission we, as believers in Jesus, have been commanded to live out. I wholeheartedly recommend this book to every church, youth group, pastor, and fellow Christian I know. We don’t have time to waste, let’s always go!

Dan Elkins | Executive Pastor of Next Gen-Students at Northland Church, Orlando, FL


I highly recommend Andrew Steier’s insightful book on sharing the gospel. This transformative guide delves deep into understanding evangelism at a profound level, encouraging readers to embrace an outward-focused life. Steier masterfully explores the essential elements of being rooted in the gospel, experiencing heart transformation, and confidently recognizing how God uses us. He emphasizes the importance of celebrating every gospel conversation, making this book a vital resource for anyone committed to sharing their faith.

Bob Bumgarner | Lead Missional Strategist of First Coast Churches, Jacksonville, FL


Steier weaves clear teaching and engaging stories together to remind us that our love for God and others overflows from us so that we share the gift of God’s love with the lost. Evangelism stems from what is inside of us—love, truth, and grace—all things the lost need from us. Always Going is a great reminder that evangelism comes from our love and relationship with the Father.

Stefanie Nicholson | Founder of Here2There Ministries


Too often, Christians approach Jesus’ Great Commission with the same demeanor as passengers during an airplane’s oxygen mask demonstration: half-listening, somewhat apprehensive, and secretly hoping they won’t have to act on it. In Always Going, Steier focuses on the fact that we can serve others effectively only after ensuring our own spiritual well-being. This book is like a much-needed instruction guide to changing lives, starting with your own.  It will captivate your attention and ignite a passion for sharing the gospel!

Paul Nather | 19-year pastor at Century Baptist Church, Bismarck, ND; Steier’s former youth pastor


I found myself growing more excited with every chapter of this brilliantly crafted book on evangelism. Always Going is much more than a title—it is a significantly meaningful mission. Andrew seamlessly weaves the intricate fabric of doctrine, theology, and practical application into a thoroughly engaging and thoughtfully compelling must-read. This book belongs on the shelf of every believer.

Phillip Van Lear | Men’s ministry leader; trained Always Going GO Leader; author; motivational speaker; actor


Having known Andrew for years and watching him grow from a local church youth pastor to a man on a multi-church mission, I have observed two things. Andrew is an authentic and bold visionary in his love for God’s people and those not yet God’s people. I was not surprised to see that authenticity and vision on every page. In fact, this book is as much an autobiography of Andrew as it is a call to the church to be Always Going.

Wes Slough | 35-year pastor; founder of Slough Ministries International; 25-year trainer of pastors and church-planters around the world


I’ve seen thousands of graduates go on to live lives of adventure, intentionality, or passion. I have rarely seen a student combine all three. Andrew Steier has the “it” factor of adventure, intentionality, and passion. I named my son after Andrew in the Bible, who was definitely an evangelist and brought people to Jesus. I am not surprised that Andrew Steier has the same first name! He has a plan and purpose to mobilize people to share their faith—always on mission, always going, always sharing the good news of Jesus. I encourage you to pick up Always Going and take it to heart. It could change not only your life but the lives of others for eternity.

Dr. David Olshine | Director of Youth Ministry, Family, and Culture at Columbia International University; author of The Mystery of Silence


No matter how deep you venture into Always Going, marking up every page or simply glancing through the eight elements, you will gain a more biblical understanding of how God intends for His people to reach the lost. I am both called and inspired to reflect on what God has done for me and how His love overflows from me as I reach others—not viewing people as projects but living a life of loving outreach. Knowing that I can celebrate every gospel conversation is immensely comforting, and I feel ready to expand the Kingdom of God.

Ethan Binns | High school senior; trained Always Going GO Leader


Additional information

Weight 0.7 lbs
Dimensions 5.5 × 0.5 × 8.5 in

Always Going (October 1, 2024)




154 pages

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